Sunday, August 31, 2008

A Follow Up "Never Trust Chinese"

When " Never Trust Chinese" was posted in GPMS yahoo group, this is one of the response :


Kalau diamati betul-betul apa yang dikatakan oleh Dr CSL isunya bukan samada MCA nak keluar BN atau tidak tetapi persoalan tentang niat YB OTK bagaimana lapuran dibuat mengenai kenyataan YB OKT.
Sebenarnya beliau mempertikaikan tindakan YB OKT yang menurutnya hanya untuk meraih undi bagi pemilihan MCA.

Namun kita juga tidak seharusnya mengentepikan isu ini kerana saya yakin diperingkat akar umbi MCA pasti ada perasaan sedemikian seperti mana perasaan ahli-ahli akar umbi UMNO terhadap MCA.

Tetapi hakikatnya tiada siapa yang akan untung sekiranya perkara ini berlaku dan kita menaruh harapan para pemimpin kita akan menangani isu in dengan sebaik mungkin. Di samping itu juga kita juga harus menilai diri juga terhadap sikap serta tindak tanduk kita yang menyebabkan perkara ini berlaku.

Mungkin kenyataan Naib Ketua Pemuda MCA LHL yang mahukan kembalinya suasana semasa kepimpinan Tun Dr M dan Tun LLS perlu diambil kira dalam mendapatkan gambaran secara total.

Saya yakin GPMS di masa lalu telah membuat sumbangan yang besar samada secara langsung atau tidak di dalam mengujudkan suasana sedemikian.

Masa kini menuntut generasi sekarang melakukan yang sams.

Amir Jumaat

Personally, I regard this statement as an attempt to downplay the danger of MCA turning it's back on Barisan. Whatever Amir Jumaat true intention is, this is my response to his statement.


Pertama sekali terima kasih Saudara Yaakub for pointing out my typo.

Also, I would like to thanks Amir Jumaat for his insight on the issue.

Saya faham bahawa saudara Amir ingin menafsir kenyataan both OTK & CSL dalam context asal artikel ini. It is fully understood that any statement should be viewed in it's entirety as to not to be misunderstood and taken out off context. (hence the full news article.)

But I would like to draw your attention to the following bigger picture.

1. Both are directly questioning the Malay Status Quo to an entirely Chinese audience.

2. The roles of Chinese press as a propaganda tool.

Though I share your sentiment of the "Good Old Days" semasa pemerintahan 2 Tun seperti yang dikatakan itu, tetapi kita perlu menerima hakikat realiti bahawa the past is the past.

This is happening now, and we (Melayu) need to plan for the future base on what is happening now, bukan nya the sweet memories of yester-years.

Samada kita suka ataupun tidak kita perlu menyedari hakikat bahawa UMNO is kept in power to a certain extend by the popular vote of the chinese community, namely MCA.

( Ask your self this question : How many MCA MP vs Umno MP from the peninsular?)

Kita juga perlu menyedari perbezaan utama diantara komuniti melayu dan komuniti cina. Komuniti cina secara am-nya akan bertindak atas nama bangsa tanpa mengira sempadan fahaman politik. Mereka rata-rata nya akan mengambil "non partisan approach" terhadap mana mana keputusan yang mempunyai direct effect to their community.

(Contoh : AMT Penang Chinese Chamber of Commerce comprises of DAP, Gerakan & MCA members. They set aside political differences and work together for the benefit of the chamber. check lah kalau tak percaya.)

Malays on the other hand, have time and again aligned themselves to political polarities. (Hakikat bodoh yang perlu kita akui sebenarnya.)

(Contoh : AMT Dewan Perniagaan Melayu Pulau Pinang semuanya Ahli Umno, sampai mati pun takkan lepas walaupun satu jawatan untuk non UMNO members.)

Having said that, I beg to differ with your following statement :

"Tetapi hakikatnya tiada siapa yang akan untung sekiranya perkara ini berlaku... "

Secara overall the chinese community as a whole should benefit the most should MCA even threatened to pull out of Barisan Nasional. It will give them better leverage for any of their demands. Walaupun digunakan hanya sebagai ancaman, ia akan mempunyai profound impact terhadap hubungan UMNO-MCA.

2. "Saya yakin GPMS di masa lalu telah membuat sumbangan yang besar samada secara langsung atau tidak di dalam mengujudkan suasana sedemikian."

Secara am-nya, GPMS selain dari memainkan peranan dalam pembangunan modal insan dalam bidang pendidikan dan malay development secara umumnya.

GPMS have always always been the unspoken voice of UMNO (mungkin lebih tepat lagi Suara Melayu).

This is true during Dato' Suhaimi tenure as President dalam penentangan tuntutan 83 perkara Suqiu dan baru baru ini dalam isu penentangan perbincangan Keluar Dari Islam oleh Bar Council yang diterajui Oleh Naib Presiden, Saudara Jais Karim. (Perhargaan kepada semua yang terlibat sebenarnya)

We are in place to be the loudest voice of Malay interest should other avenue/channel fail us.

Correct me if I am wrong, But we are never utilize to facilitate any kind of relationship with the non Malay. All of our program was never never intended to include the participation of the non Malay.

We are above all, a Malay Society working for the benefit and interest of the Malays alone.

Berbalik pada the issues at hand.

Ketuanan Melayu merupakan satu concept yang penuh controversy, it was at a certain point in time liken to the apartheid system in South Africa.

There is no middle ground in the acceptance of the concept for both Malays and Non Malays. You are either for or against the concept.

It was specifically stated as a no-compromise condition for the acceptance of the "JUS SOLI" concept for the citizenship of the non Malay during the struggle for independent. And it was agreed upon by all the party involved in the disccussion.

(In fact, it was MCA that have agreed upon the Malay Status Quo even from the start of it's inception. To go back on it's words now should be considered an act of treason.)

Ingin saya nyatakan di sini that i am certainly not a racist, jauh sekali seorang Malay Supremacist. But I believe in the system that have worked for 51 years without fail. I just want to keep that system. To downplay any indication of risk to that system especially in the current political climate would simply be irresponsible.

Ahmad Faurani Bin Jaafar, 019 434 2727
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