Monday, July 6, 2009


Usman Awang kata
Melayu itu orang bijaksana
Budi bahasa tidak terkira
Adab sopan hormat sesiapa
DAP, PKR punya angkara
Raja dan Sultan sanggup dihina
Rukun Melayu Terbang entah ke mana

Rukun Islam lima perkara
Melayu tak amal sepenuhnya
Solat itu tiang agamaRutin yang hanya
melepaskan batok di tangga

PAS PKR pemecahbelah
Lahir dek sakit hati kerana nak perintah
Tambah malang Bila UMNO dok berbalah
Nafsu marah depa dok tarahIblis syaitan ikut dok syarah
Akhirnya Melayu Islam semakin parah
Yang tak rasional sokong tak tentu arah

Pemimpin salah mereka kata betul
Pemimpin betul mereka kata salah
Pemimpin bahlol pun mereka sembah

Lupakah wahai Melayu budiman
Lembut engkau jangan dibiarkan
Tanah ini tanah bertuah
Sudah terantuk baru tengadah

Mana pergi jihad kita
Mana pergi keberanian Hang Tuah
Mana hilang perjuangan dan wadah
Ini masa mematah hujah

Islam dihormati dan makin gagah
Sudah 52 tahun UMNO memerintah
Namun pembangkang Tetap kata salah
Kerja orang-orang PAS dok caci dok fitnah Nafsu puak-puak ni lagi serakah

Melayu berharta lupa zakat lupa segala
Pemimpin ego, rakyat tak diutama8 Mac, tsunami menimpa
Sekurang-kurang beringat sama
Allah tentukan nasib bangsaBeramal bertakwa nescaya terpelihara
Gerhana politik pengajaran berharga

Usman Awang kata
Melayu itu berani jika bersalah
Kecut dan takut kerana benar
Kerajaan Perpaduan PAS dok syarah
Demi kebaikan kafir mereka mengalah
Maruah Islam sanggup disanggah

Usman Awang kata
Melayu di Tanah Semenanjung luas maknanya
Jawa itu Melayu, Bugis itu Melayu
Arab dan Pakistani semua Melayu
Mamak dan Malbari serap ke Melayu
Lalu terfikir aku
Mengapa ini berlaku
Hebat tang mana bangsamu ?
Bijasanakah keturunanmu ?
Sehingga ramai mengaku Melayu ?

Sejarah tidak mungkin berbohong
Tanah keramat ini Dinoda penjajah yang rakus memerah
Merampas hak dan juga maruah
Beratus tahun Melayu jadi sampah
Melayu tak akan hilang
Kata Hang Tuah
Mungkin betul, mungkin salah

Kata Tun
Melayu Mudah Lupa
Dibela diangkat ke mata dunia
Oleh pemimpin yang tak megenal lelah
Kegemilangan bangsa sudah terserlah
Walau beratus tahun dijajah
Yang bukan Melayu sanggup berhijrah
Mengangap diri cukup bertuah
Sedang bangsa sendiri memandang rendah
Pemimpin UMNO yang berjasa dianggap bersalah
Pemimpin UMNO diiktiraf dunia dianggap rasuah

Kata Usman Awang
Berbuahlah pisang tiga kali
Melayu itu masih bermimpi

Sejarah Melaka 1511

Tak kan tak ingat lagi ?
Melayu berbalah kuasa dicari
Kerana hasad dan juga dengki
Pengkhianat Melaka
Adalah bangsa sendiri !!
Sampai kiamat ke dok lagu ni ?

Dari kekejaman Chin Peng
Serta nafsu binatang Bintang Tiga
Nenek moyang bangun membela

Dari runtuhan sejarah Melaka
Tun Mahathir bangunkan Putrajaya
Tamadun Melayu diakui dunia

Dari tamadun yang hilang
Tun bina mercutanda bangsa
Hingga kemakmuran jelas terasa

Dari sejarah penjajahan yang lama
Kita mampu menghulurkan segala
Bosnia dan Palestin hormat kat kita

Di saat bangsa Arab masih leka
UMNO membela umat Islam sedunia
Wahai pembangkang Melayu..
Hina sangatkah pemimpin kita ?

Kata Usman Awang
Malangnya Melayu itu kuat bersorak
Sedangkan kampong telah tergadai

Mana perwira ?
Mana laksamana ?
Mana slogan “Pemuda Perkasa”
Tak cukup garang mengaum suara
Jadilah Singa wira bangsa
Jika sekadar pasang poster.. upah kat Mat Bangla saja

Tanamkan jihad UMNO diperkasa
Kaji sejarah renungkan bangsa
Buka mulut lontarkan agenda
Bukannya kempen guna helikopter
Atau cari projek berjuta
Zaman dulu pakai basikal saja

Jihad UMNO menentang penjajah
Mungkin generasi baru buta sejarah
Pemimpin jahat tersingkir sudah
Yang bernafsu kotor selalunya kalah
Kalau tak percaya hang pa lihatlah sejarah

Bersatu Bersetia Berkhidmat
Moto dan Cogankata Azimat
Tak faham…tak ambil berat
Kemerdekaan negara telah tersemat
Jihad UMNO Parti Keramat
Perjuangan suci yang paling hebat

UMNO tak bersalah Ahlinya tak mahu berubah
UMNO tak bersalahPemimpinnya tak belajar bersyarah
UMNO tak bersalahAhlinya lesu mengharap laba
UMNO tak bersalahPemimpin dan ahliLemah jiwa cepat mengalah
UMNO tak bersalah Pemimpinnya elit, sikit benar yang ramah.
Nak balas surat atau sms pun susah

Bersediakah kitaMenahan airmata
Tatakala PRU 13….Putrajaya beralih kuasa
Tamadun dibina hanya sia-sia
UMNO & BN berputih tulang berputih mata

Langsung tak mustahil
Melayu hilang kuasa
Teori R.A.H.M.A.N.
Sampai ke noktah akhirnya
BN bungkus…UMNO entah ke mana

Jangan mimpi nak pertahan agama
Jangan tersentak jika laungan azan tak boleh guna pembesar suara
Tika itu kita jadi bangsa peminta
Mengharap ehsan simpati mereka
Hang tuah tersentak.. tersilap kata
Nampaknya melayu hilang di dunia
Tun Mahathir menangis hiba
Kegemilangan 22 tahun yang dibina
Ranap diragut kebodohan bangsa

Kaunselor Berdaftar (Kaunselor Pelajar)
Setiausaha GPMS Negeri Kedah
Pengerusi Persatuan Belia Anak Merdeka
* Anugerah Tokoh Belia Negara 2008 -
Kategori Kepimpinan Peringkat Negeri Kedah

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Kembara Bakti Kasih

Tanggal 28 september, 28 ramadhan, ahli-ahli GPMS Sungai Petani, Kubang Pasu, dan Jerai telah mengadakan satu program berbentuk kebajikan kepada Rumah Seri Kenangan, Bedong, Kedah...
Sumbangan disampaikan oleh saudara Mohd Shahfaliqarif Teo Bin Rizal, YDP GPMS Sungai Petani. Sumbangan disampaikan dalam bentuk cek dan hamper. sumbangan-sumbangan ini disampaikan oleh komuniti Melayu di Sungai Petani. Setinggi-tinggi penghargaan kepada Nurul Asyikin Datuk Bakri kerana kesudian beliau menyampaikan sumbangan hamper-hamper. Manankala Saudara Amran Amir telah memberikan sumbangan yang banyak berbentuk wang tunai kepada program ini.
Kejayaan program ini menjadi titik tolak kepada keakraban diantara Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat dan golongan fakir yang menghuni fasilit-fasilit mereka. Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat amat berbesar hati sekiranya GPMS Kedah dapat menganjurkan program berbentuk ilmiah kepada anak-anak yatim sekitar negeri kedah.
Berbekalkan kerjasama yang erat antara Penguasa Rumah Seri Kenangan dan Pegawai-pegawai, kami dibawa melawat ke bilik-bilik dan asrama-asram di sini. terdapat 374 orang penghuni di sini. penghuninya terdiri daripada majorit Melayu, kedua Cina, dan India. Penghuni di sini tidak semestinya warga tua. Mereka terdiri dari pelbagai latar belakang. ada juga yang diberikan perlindungan di sini.
Di sini kami memohon agar warga GPMS dapat memberikan sebanyak mungkin sumbangan kepada rumah ini. Ini kerana golongan ini lebih terpinggir dari golongan anak-anak yatim di rumah-rumah kebajikan yang lain. Di sini juga dapat dikenalpasti bahawa warganegara berbangsa Cina lebih banyak menyumbang. Sumbangan boleh dilakukan dalam pelbagai bentuk seperti beras, lampin orang tua, susu, dan apa jua makan dan barang-barang yang berguna kepada mereka.

Monday, September 8, 2008

"Ketuanan"/ "Master"/ "Supremacy"

Last night on TV9 aired a forum – Hujah – presumably pre-recorded or not was given the seeming editing of certain portions of the debate — which certainly was both topical and controversial to some people. The topic is “Masa Depan Ketuanan Melayu” (The Future of Malay Supremacy).

The panel consisted of former Universiti Malaya historian Dr. Malik Munip, who had written a book that touched, among other things, the notion of “Ketuanan Melayu” in the mid-1980s, Ezam, a former opposition member who is formerly a youth leader in the Parti Keadilan Rakyat and UM law academic and political critics Dr. Azmi Sharom.

It was clear as daylight for the viewers to see that the views held by both the panelists on the issue of “Ketuanan Melayu” were divergent and conflicting so much so that there were moments of tension between the two. But both of them really think that Malay Supremacy is the key element to the peace and harmony in this nation. Malik was supportive of the notion of “Ketuanan Melayu”, reminding Malaysians, particularly the non-Malays, to appreciate, among other things, the pre-independence “social contract” and the “Malay character or origin” of the land.

From both the panelists was the moderator, an academic from UKM, who, at the end of the forum, made the conclusion that “Ketuanan Melayu” was very much relevant and needed for the overall unity of Malaysians.

In The Star, Abdullah said "The definition of ketuanan Melayu (Malay supremacy/”Master”) is not about the Malays being in a position to dominate, rule over and force their power upon other races." He said Malay supremacy meant that the Malays, as the indigenous people in Malaysia, needed to strengthen themselves to ensure they were successful and developed.
This forum is an act which reminds the non-Malay or people who is indifferent about the fact and question it.

Why do some people question this supremacy that was written in the federal constitution for too many years? Do you ever hear o read anything about the federal constitution???

The real deal is that I’m really surprised when people start arguing about the issue. To be mixed-blooded I’m sure that something is sensitive enough to be brought on. Melayu in all means in Malaysia is surely Islam in religion. If someone start to questioning and challenging the concept of “Ketuanan Melayu” they really have triggered the outrage of Malays and Malays Institution.
I’m strongly support and optimist that Malay is the rightful “Master” (TUAN) of Tanah Melayu. But Malay did not fight enough on those days when British came and took Tanah Melayu which we are surely “Master” of it. We can call ourselves “Master” of it but we are still are slave to them. So it is useless to call ourselves “Master” on those days.

51 years of independence we still have our political power. This entitles us to call ourselves “Master”. But still we are not “Master” of all. We can call ourselves “Master” if we do our best and through our achievements in the economy and social. This can be produced if we dare to learn more in this era. But we are surely lack in commitment in this area. We love to have things done for us, and spoon-feed.

Today the political power is barely ours. And the non-Malays are not respecting the Malays and our Malays Institutions (Raja-Raja). All that was treated and seems to be Malay special rights was questioned and even been deliberately challenged. Malays did nothing to encounter this and strengthen their position.

They start asking for some people to defend the Malay Position. This is just an effort of passing the buck to an outsider. Our fate is in our own hand. The title “Master” did not came just from history, it came when Malay act. We dare to risk everything and gain backs the knowledge and skills until we can stand by ourselves.

Denial from truth and false will not result in anything. If only we acknowledge our big problems and we act to solve it, then we can gain back our dignity. Only then they will acknowledge us as “Master”.

Hidup Melayu!!!
GPMS Kedah
GPMS Sungai Petani

Sunday, August 31, 2008

A Follow Up "Never Trust Chinese"

When " Never Trust Chinese" was posted in GPMS yahoo group, this is one of the response :


Kalau diamati betul-betul apa yang dikatakan oleh Dr CSL isunya bukan samada MCA nak keluar BN atau tidak tetapi persoalan tentang niat YB OTK bagaimana lapuran dibuat mengenai kenyataan YB OKT.
Sebenarnya beliau mempertikaikan tindakan YB OKT yang menurutnya hanya untuk meraih undi bagi pemilihan MCA.

Namun kita juga tidak seharusnya mengentepikan isu ini kerana saya yakin diperingkat akar umbi MCA pasti ada perasaan sedemikian seperti mana perasaan ahli-ahli akar umbi UMNO terhadap MCA.

Tetapi hakikatnya tiada siapa yang akan untung sekiranya perkara ini berlaku dan kita menaruh harapan para pemimpin kita akan menangani isu in dengan sebaik mungkin. Di samping itu juga kita juga harus menilai diri juga terhadap sikap serta tindak tanduk kita yang menyebabkan perkara ini berlaku.

Mungkin kenyataan Naib Ketua Pemuda MCA LHL yang mahukan kembalinya suasana semasa kepimpinan Tun Dr M dan Tun LLS perlu diambil kira dalam mendapatkan gambaran secara total.

Saya yakin GPMS di masa lalu telah membuat sumbangan yang besar samada secara langsung atau tidak di dalam mengujudkan suasana sedemikian.

Masa kini menuntut generasi sekarang melakukan yang sams.

Amir Jumaat

Personally, I regard this statement as an attempt to downplay the danger of MCA turning it's back on Barisan. Whatever Amir Jumaat true intention is, this is my response to his statement.


Pertama sekali terima kasih Saudara Yaakub for pointing out my typo.

Also, I would like to thanks Amir Jumaat for his insight on the issue.

Saya faham bahawa saudara Amir ingin menafsir kenyataan both OTK & CSL dalam context asal artikel ini. It is fully understood that any statement should be viewed in it's entirety as to not to be misunderstood and taken out off context. (hence the full news article.)

But I would like to draw your attention to the following bigger picture.

1. Both are directly questioning the Malay Status Quo to an entirely Chinese audience.

2. The roles of Chinese press as a propaganda tool.

Though I share your sentiment of the "Good Old Days" semasa pemerintahan 2 Tun seperti yang dikatakan itu, tetapi kita perlu menerima hakikat realiti bahawa the past is the past.

This is happening now, and we (Melayu) need to plan for the future base on what is happening now, bukan nya the sweet memories of yester-years.

Samada kita suka ataupun tidak kita perlu menyedari hakikat bahawa UMNO is kept in power to a certain extend by the popular vote of the chinese community, namely MCA.

( Ask your self this question : How many MCA MP vs Umno MP from the peninsular?)

Kita juga perlu menyedari perbezaan utama diantara komuniti melayu dan komuniti cina. Komuniti cina secara am-nya akan bertindak atas nama bangsa tanpa mengira sempadan fahaman politik. Mereka rata-rata nya akan mengambil "non partisan approach" terhadap mana mana keputusan yang mempunyai direct effect to their community.

(Contoh : AMT Penang Chinese Chamber of Commerce comprises of DAP, Gerakan & MCA members. They set aside political differences and work together for the benefit of the chamber. check lah kalau tak percaya.)

Malays on the other hand, have time and again aligned themselves to political polarities. (Hakikat bodoh yang perlu kita akui sebenarnya.)

(Contoh : AMT Dewan Perniagaan Melayu Pulau Pinang semuanya Ahli Umno, sampai mati pun takkan lepas walaupun satu jawatan untuk non UMNO members.)

Having said that, I beg to differ with your following statement :

"Tetapi hakikatnya tiada siapa yang akan untung sekiranya perkara ini berlaku... "

Secara overall the chinese community as a whole should benefit the most should MCA even threatened to pull out of Barisan Nasional. It will give them better leverage for any of their demands. Walaupun digunakan hanya sebagai ancaman, ia akan mempunyai profound impact terhadap hubungan UMNO-MCA.

2. "Saya yakin GPMS di masa lalu telah membuat sumbangan yang besar samada secara langsung atau tidak di dalam mengujudkan suasana sedemikian."

Secara am-nya, GPMS selain dari memainkan peranan dalam pembangunan modal insan dalam bidang pendidikan dan malay development secara umumnya.

GPMS have always always been the unspoken voice of UMNO (mungkin lebih tepat lagi Suara Melayu).

This is true during Dato' Suhaimi tenure as President dalam penentangan tuntutan 83 perkara Suqiu dan baru baru ini dalam isu penentangan perbincangan Keluar Dari Islam oleh Bar Council yang diterajui Oleh Naib Presiden, Saudara Jais Karim. (Perhargaan kepada semua yang terlibat sebenarnya)

We are in place to be the loudest voice of Malay interest should other avenue/channel fail us.

Correct me if I am wrong, But we are never utilize to facilitate any kind of relationship with the non Malay. All of our program was never never intended to include the participation of the non Malay.

We are above all, a Malay Society working for the benefit and interest of the Malays alone.

Berbalik pada the issues at hand.

Ketuanan Melayu merupakan satu concept yang penuh controversy, it was at a certain point in time liken to the apartheid system in South Africa.

There is no middle ground in the acceptance of the concept for both Malays and Non Malays. You are either for or against the concept.

It was specifically stated as a no-compromise condition for the acceptance of the "JUS SOLI" concept for the citizenship of the non Malay during the struggle for independent. And it was agreed upon by all the party involved in the disccussion.

(In fact, it was MCA that have agreed upon the Malay Status Quo even from the start of it's inception. To go back on it's words now should be considered an act of treason.)

Ingin saya nyatakan di sini that i am certainly not a racist, jauh sekali seorang Malay Supremacist. But I believe in the system that have worked for 51 years without fail. I just want to keep that system. To downplay any indication of risk to that system especially in the current political climate would simply be irresponsible.

Ahmad Faurani Bin Jaafar, 019 434 2727
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Thursday, August 28, 2008

Never Trust Chinese ( Kemungkinan MCA Keluar Dari Barisan Nasional)

This is Today's NST Paper. ( Thursday, 28.08.2008, Prime News pg 18)


Top two clawing at each other


KUALA LUMPUR: The Chinese proverb "two tigers cannot share the same mountain" best describes the rivalry between MCA vice-president Datuk Ong Tee Keat and former vice-president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek. Although Dr Chua remains mum about his future in MCA, it is an open secret that both men are eyeing the president's post come party elections in October.

(Ong announced his candidacy on July 20.)

However, a not-so-open secret is that both Ong and Dr Chua have been engaging in heated attacks and name calling against each other in cyberspace through their blogs.

Ong drew first blood earlier this month, when he wrote in his campaign website "Tainted leaders hoping to make a political comeback cannot expect to wipe the slate clean of their wrongdoings with mere apologies after committing an act that went against social and moral values".

Although Ong did not mention anyone specifically, it was understood that the statement was a swipe at Dr Chua -- who had in January admitted to having an affair and resigned from all party posts after a DVD of him having sex with a woman friend was circulated in Johor.

When asked for a response, Dr Chua only said that he was disappointed with the transport minister's behaviour. His blog at made no mention of the "attack".

But this did not stop Ong from accusing Dr Chua of instigating his supporters to post "abusive" comments on the latter's blog.

"Mobilising ghost writers for a massive attack on me would not cleanse one's misdeeds or change the norms. This could be likened to ostriches burying their heads in the sand," Ong wrote on Aug 10.

However, on Monday, it was Dr Chua's turn to strike back. He called Ong a hypocrite, a coward and a puppet of MCA leaders. Ong was also accused of plagiarising his ideas.

It is learned that Ong told a MCA function last Saturday that the party should consider pulling out of Barisan Nasional if UMNO continued to champion the concept of ketuanan Melayu.

As his speech was only reported in Chinese daily Nanyang Siang Pau the next day, Dr Chua accused Ong and other party leaders of media manipulation to show the grassroots, the bulk of whom read only Chinese newspapers, that the endorsed candidate (Ong) for the MCA presidency was a man with the courage to speak out against Umno.

"My challenge to the endorsed candidate (Ong) is for him to send a letter to Umno, repeating his statement that MCA may pull out of BN if Umno does not shed its ketuanan Melayu policies," said Dr Chua on his blog. He challenged Ong to officially issue statements that this would be MCA's policy should he become president.

"If he does not do any of these things, then it would appear that he was just hoping to get political support to attain his ambition without actually intending to walk the talk."

Dr Chua also insinuated that Ong's sudden strong stand against Umno was "inspired" by an earlier posting by him.

"Last week, I openly pointed out that the MCA must review its relationship with Umno. I pointed out that the perception of a master-servant relationship should be removed.

"The candidate endorsed by the current party leadership (Ong) now says the MCA should consider leaving BN. That was the logical conclusion of what I proposed."

Dr Chua said Ong was only good at reacting to other people's statements and did not have it within him to lead the Chinese community.

In an immediate response, Ong blasted Dr Chua of always thinking on behalf of Umno.

"The morally-tainted blogger (Dr Chua) was virtually concerned that the reports in the Chinese dailies would not reach the Umno top brass, so he urged me to write to Umno to state my stand.

"To me, this is totally uncalled for as I always speak my mind freely and fearlessly, without having to seek prior approval from any parties. Besides, anybody in his right frame of mind will know that any statements made in any language in Malaysia would readily be translated into other languages," wrote Ong at 7pm yesterday.

He added that he had always made his stand on mono-ethnic dominance or supremacy very clearly and loudly in the past. The most recent was in an interview with Bernama in May.

"Likewise, I also highlighted the issue about misappropriation of funds for repair works in two Chinese primary schools in Johor in 2006 (where a RM30,000 contract ended up with only work worth RM3,000).

"Recently, during my rounds of visit to Johor, I was told much to my surprise and chagrin that the grassroots leader who reported the case to me had in fact been censured by an ex-top leader in Johor MCA."

(Dr Chua was Johor MCA chief until January.)

The battle for "Mount MCA" has yet to begin, but from the looks of things, it will be all claws and fangs.


Things to ponder :

1. Ong Tee Keat, as the candidate currently endorsed by the present president made this statement at an official MCA function.

2. The news is only reported in Nanyang Siang Pau.

3. Chua Sok Lek, had earlier mention that MCA should review it's relationship with UMNO.

4. Both are MCA Presidency candidate.

5. Regardless of who will win the presidency, both man have made it very clear that leaving Barisan Nasional will be a viable option should the need arises.

GPMS Kedah.
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